

Writers’ competition 2020

PESTEXT 2020: Literary competition of 400.000 Huf prize pool



There were two times more applicants for the writers’ competition of Pestext than last year. Out of the 437 applications the pre-selection board chose 12 texts and the jury decided to give the award to Csillag Abafáy-Deák for her prose Csillagharcos. Members of the jury were: Ádám Nádasdy linguist, poet, writer, translator, essayist, university teacher (ELTE), Anna Terék Csáth Géza-award winning poet and Róbert Hász editor-in-chief of the journal Tiszatáj.


A szakmai díjat odaítélő zsűri tagjai:

Nádasdy Ádám

(1947) nyelvész, költő, prózaíró, műfordító, esszéista, egyetemi tanár (ELTE). Sokoldalú, aktív szerző, ez abból is látszik, ha csak az elmúlt másfél év könyvtermését nézzük: 2019-es Jól láthatóan lógok itt című verseskötete 2020-ban elnyerte az Aegon Irodalmi Díját, a 2020-ban kiadott Milyen nyelv a magyar? a magyar nyelv mai és történeti kérdéseivel foglalkozik, legfrissebb novelláskötete 2020 májusában jelent meg A szakállas Neptun címmel. Felváltva Budapesten és Londonban él.ék-Anna.png
Terék Anna

(1984, Topolya, Jugoszlávia) Legutóbbi verseskötete 2017-ben jelent meg, Halott nők címmel, melyet 2019-ben Csáth Géza-díjjal jutalmaztak. A kötet horvát és német nyelvű kiadása a közelmúltban jelent meg. Budapesten él és dolgozik.ász-Róbert.png
Hász Róbert

1964-ben született Doroszlón, 1991. óta Szegeden él. Író, a Tiszatáj folyóirat főszerkesztője.

A shortlisten szereplő 11 pályaművet kiválasztó előzsűri tagjai:áth.png
Borbáth Péter

író, műfordító, túravezető
Urbán Bálint

irodalmár, műfordító, az ELTE BTK Portugál Tanszékének oktatója, a Versum szerkesztőjeórász.png
Górász Péter

irodalmár, könyvtáros, a FISZ elnökségi tagja

Public vote

Voting opens on July 15 for those 12 texts that have been nominated for the people’s choice award.

The winner receives 200,000 Huf total prize and will have the chance to be on stage at the PesText Festival at the end of September. According to the original plans there would have been 11 texts in the competititon but the applications were so convincing that the pre-selection board decided to shortlist 12 stories. Members of the board were: Péter Borbáth writer, literary translator, guide, Bálint Urbán, literary scholar, translator, professor at the Portuguese Department of the University of ELTE, editor at the online journal Versum and Péter Górász literary scholar, librarian, board member at the Young Writers’ Association.


Details of the competition:

We are expecting Hungarian language texts of up to 6000 characters by contemporary Hungarian writers in the theme ‘reset’. The assessment is going to have two stages.

Following a thorough pre-selection process, the best 11 texts will be presented to the jury, consisting of respected professionals. One piece on the shortlist is going to win the jury’s award and one is going to receive the people’s choice award. Both pieces are going to be translated to English, Czech, Polish and Slovakian and will be published in the fanzine of the festival. The two writers will receive a 200,000 Huf gross prize each and will be invited to PesText Festival.

The international literary festival, PesText, is held for the second time in Budapest in the fall of 2020 by the Hungarian Literature Copyright Protection and Rights Management Association (MISZJE) and the Petőfi Literary Fund.

Scheduled dates of the festival: September 22 – September 26, 2020

Votes are welcome for the people’s choice award winner as of 15 July, 2020 until midnight 10 August, 2020 on the festival website.

We are receiving texts at [email protected] with the word RESET in the subject line.


Deadlines and prize pool

Closing date for submissions: 15 June, 2020

Eligibility: any author who writes in Hungarian (one author can only submit one piece). There are no restrictions on the genre of the texts.

First Prize: 200,000 HUF

People’s Choice Award: 200,000 HUF




We only accept applications with a code-word. The submitted document cannot contain the author’s name. Please indicate your code-word on top of the first page of your document and make sure it is visible. The code-word must be a minimum of 8 characters preferably including letters and numbers as well. We are expecting pieces that have not been published online or offline either, and are not being published during the time of the competition, nor are they expected to be published until the closing of the  competition.

For further information and update please follow the Facebook page of PesText Festival: Contact: Borbáth Péter ([email protected])

Applicants agree that the organizers of PesText International Festival can publish their pieces under the applicants’ names on the platforms of the festival.

Those applicants who do not consent to their work being used according to the conditions listed above are not going to be able to receive the First Prize or the People’s Choice Award either. Their prize is going to be taken by the runner-up. By submitting an application the applicant agrees that the organizers can later send them furher information via email about the Festival and related literary tenders, competitions and events.

In case you prefer not to receive such information please let us know in your application.

For a description of data protection principles of the Hungarian Literature Copyright Protection and Rights Management Association (MISZJE) please consult the link below.
